March 29, 2025

A Calculated Risk

Good Morning Wednesday I went to my leads group (by the way if you want a FREE lunch, be my guest and I'll pay for your lunch; contact me for information) and we were talking about many things. One was why become a member of such a group? As one member stated, we meet once a week and as we … [Read more...]

Plan B or C

Good Morning Did you ever have one of those days, everything going right and then, Bam! It's all messed up! Well that's what happened to me yesterday. I was printing a client's newsletter. I had about 60 more to print when streaks started to appear on the newsletters. I sent a photo of the … [Read more...]

Story Telling

Good Morning Over the years I've taken public speaking classes and speaking from the stage training. One thing I've learned is to weave the information you want to present into a story. Since time began, people have been telling each other stories to get information and their point … [Read more...]


Good Morning I do a lot of driving, and I see a lot of what I call bad driving, such as people crossing over multiple lanes without notice to other drivers or their well being. Or going 40 mph on the freeway while holding their phone and talking on it in the middle or left hand lane. But the … [Read more...]

You Need A Website!

Good Morning I'm old (there, I admit it), but not that old! I know lots of people who are older. I also know a lot more people who are younger. As I talk with people about their marketing/advertising, I'm surprised at their lack of knowledge about how to present their business. Years ago when … [Read more...]

Advertising Lessons From Elections

Good Morning April/ May in Texas is the municipal election season, and as a lettershop/direct mail company I do political mailing. Over the past 25 plus years I have not only done the mailings, I have consulted and even managed a campaign or two. About a week ago someone running for office … [Read more...]

Survey Says

Good Morning Businesses lose anywhere from 10% to 25% of their customer base each year! The reasons are many and in many cases not the businesses' fault. So it behooves the business owner to always be promoting and attracting new customers as well as working their customer retention plan. But … [Read more...]

Marketing Recipe

Good Morning I grew up in a restaurant. My parents owned and ran restaurants most of their lives. Everything from a deil through a tablecloth restaurant with bar. I mostly bused tables and worked the dishwasher. But over the years I did a little bit of everything except work the bar (I was too … [Read more...]

Networking Questions

Good Morning I attend a network group that meets for lunch once a week. I do this for a number of reasons including getting lunch, getting out of the office and socializing, and oh yes, getting more business. This week our chair Hugh Morrison sent out his weekly email and included a few … [Read more...]

Getting Your Name Wrong

Good Morning We all like to be acknowledged, usually by being called by our name. So when people can't get your name right, are you really going to pay any attention to their message? My friend Larry, got an email (which he sent me) that started "Hi Lar." I've known Larry for over 20 years … [Read more...]