February 28, 2025

Referrals, Why you want them and how to get them

Good Morning Each month I conduct a free mini seminar on marketing your business. More about this month's at the end of this tip. The last seminar's subject was on 10 ways to increase your referrals by 10 per month. This week I will cover a few of the 10 ways to increase referrals. But first … [Read more...]

I Don’t Want You To Be A Saleperson For Me!

Yes, you read that right! I don't want you to be my salesperson. Unless you work for me full time and I train you in what we do and offer. And I don't want to be your salesperson either! What? In almost every leads, networking group, etc. we are told that the other people in the group can be your … [Read more...]

It’s Almost Half Time, How’s It Going?

 I hope that everyone had a great Memorial Day weekend and that you took time out to remember what the day was all about. My friend Tyler Brown, owner of Fusion Under Glass Catering, really understood the meaning. Ask him how he got the blister and it wasn't by cooking food, maybe he was … [Read more...]

How Dare They Do That, That’s Outrageous!

Good Morning It's been on the TV news, on the radio and it should be in the papers in the next few days. What is it that made the news? Free Pizza! Yes, Free Pizza! On June 5th from 5pm to 8pm, you can get a free large pepperoni pizza from Pizza Patron if you walk in and order it in Spanish … [Read more...]

Tell Your Competition All About What Your Doing

How would you like for your competition to know almost everything you're doing? Would you like them to know what sales you're having, new products or services you're offering, at the same time you're telling your customers and prospects? Every time you make a change to your web site, add a comment … [Read more...]

Special Offer and Mark Your Calendars

Ready to have the business you always dreamed of? Need help getting started or not sure where or how to start? I'll sit down with you for 2 one-hour face-to-face sessions in which we put together your marketing plan for only $197.00. That's a savings of 33%. I only have time for a few businesses … [Read more...]