December 22, 2024

Added Service, Wow

Good Morning  Thank you to everyone who sent me kind words about last week's tip on NTTA great (not) customer service! I was reading this week's edition of one of the best marketing blogs around, "Denny Hatch's Marketing Blog." For those who have not heard of Denny Hatch, he founded and ran … [Read more...]

After the show

Good Day Tuesday, June 5, from 3 to 7 pm, I  had a booth at the HEB Expo, Hurst Conference Center, 1601 Campus Dr. I was on my feet most of that time and I wore the wrong shoes, not the comfy ones, but the ones that looked professional and hurt after 30 minutes. So why do I do it? It's a … [Read more...]

Denny Hatch Great Story

Good Day The following story is from the marketing blog of Denny Hatch, renowned publisher,marketing expert, and copywriter: "Frank Brock was president, First Bank of Troy, Idaho. In 1960 Troy’s population was 555. Frank Brock’s bank had 6,000 active accounts. He had customers in 45 … [Read more...]

Different Kind Of Networking Meeting

Good Day   Wednesday I went to a weekly networking meeting that I have never been to. It was Sweet Networking Fort Worth (one of 3 or 4 networking groups) lead by Jeremiah Ozment of Ozment Media. This is an open group, so it's not restricted to one person per industry and has no requirements. … [Read more...]

When you get sick

Good Day  This is the season that people are out with either a cold or the flu. What do you do when you are sick? Take the time off and let your business suffer, go in and carry on as if you're not sick, or something in-between?  An old friend of mine once said that it takes 3 days to recover … [Read more...]

Buyer’s Remorse, How To Reduce It!

Good Day Contact First Name  If you've been in business for any amount of time, you've had returns, charge backs or other undesirable costs associated with returns, not to mention the lost sales. Here is a way to counteract buyer's remorse and reduce return rates: First you want to thank … [Read more...]