October 23, 2024

Denny Hatch Great Story

Good Day The following story is from the marketing blog of Denny Hatch, renowned publisher,marketing expert, and copywriter: "Frank Brock was president, First Bank of Troy, Idaho. In 1960 Troy’s population was 555. Frank Brock’s bank had 6,000 active accounts. He had customers in 45 … [Read more...]

Remembering Great Ideas

Good Day Contact First Name  Last week while at the multi-chamber mixer I saw a gentleman I had met a few times, Reed Chambers of Peerless Electric Company. As we were talking we got on the subject of coming up with great ideas and trying to remember them. This happens to me. I'll be driving … [Read more...]

Spring cleaning, use those old marketing materials

Good Day First off, I got another letter; I think this is #6. Should I wait until I get 10 letters or call them now? Let me know what you think. I was doing some spring cleaning at the office trying to make room for envelopes for one of my clients, when I found some very special express … [Read more...]

Wasting Money Foolishly

Good Day I usually do not name people or companies in these tips, but this week I will. Around December 27, I got a very cute and interesting sales letter from Kelly Peterson of Bruce Lowrie Chevrolet in Fort Worth. It was a form letter, but it was in a very nice handwritten font on what … [Read more...]

Are You Ready for 2018?

Good Day I hope that you had a great Christmas or Chanukah and got everything you wanted. I would like to wish you a very safe and Happy New Year! Are you ready for 2018? Reports so far for the holiday retail sales season has been the best in a number of years. Unemployment is at a record low, … [Read more...]

7 ways to promote yourself

Good Day  Last week I told you about one of my marketing resources, the once-a-month marketing seminar that I attend. Monday's seminar was about how to promote yourself as the expert in your industry. I learned how to promote myself on 7 different social media outlets for almost free while using … [Read more...]